Sunday, March 20, 2011

20.03.11 "I AM" - The Greatest

“I AM” - The Greatest
Hebrews ch. 3 (Psalm 95, Ex.3:10-15)

Intro… Identification 2:14-18 Here is the secret of Jesus’ appeal to mankind. He did not stand off. He came and lived in our messy world in order to lead us into a great salvation.
1. through suffering - by his death - of pain and shame.
2. through sympathy - free the slaves - from fear of death.
3. through helping - those who are tempted – a present reality

So once again we see it “is all about Jesus”
The supreme revelation of God came through Jesus
The only access to God came through Jesus

We have seen in past weeks that Jesus is greater than the prophets and greater than the angels.
Today He is greater than Moses. First, what was “great” about Moses?
1. Moses spoke with God face to face. (lit. mouth to mouth) and didn’t die
2. Moses received the Law of God from God.
For a Jew (Hebrew) this was unique! He is their hero! Incredible that any human could get so close to God - and still live.

Ch.3:1 Fix your thoughts on Jesus. Not just look at Him but listen and learn. Ref Col.3:1-2
Eg Lk 12:24 “consider the ravens” “consider the lilies” etc.
Learn and understand, no superficial glance.
Here is the strength of a home group – where we can learn through mutual sharing and discussion. “iron sharpens iron”

Apostle….one who is sent out on a mission. Illus…Modern missionary
The Jewish Sanhedrin or parliament of the day used this same word of an
Ambassador - has all power and authority, one who speaks on behalf of.
So Jesus filled both these roles, sent by and on behalf of the Father God.

High Priest….. bridge builder the one who stands between man and God. Especially in taking our sin and pleading God’s mercy on our behalf. - More detail about this in ch.4.
“whom we confess” I am challenged by this, do I confess the name of Jesus as much as I should?
"faithful” Here is a key Christian word. WE are called to be faithful, not successful. The house here can refer to the world but more specifically it is the people of God, in today’s language , the church. (see P.25) It is this area of Faithfulness that we see Jesus greatness. For He is the living architect and builder of the house, the church. In his time Moses was only the caretaker IN the house of Israel., Jesus is the owner operator OVER the church. He is the greatest!
And WE are that house, that church IF we have courage and stand firm in our eternal hope.

Half time – take a break – “time for a Capstan” listen carefully to the words, you have heard them before! [Play CD] “Living stones in house of God”.

The house of God, the church, only stands strong when every stone stands firm.

1 Pet 2:5, 4:17, 1Tim 3:15

So then – don’t harden your hearts.
1. you yourself do it – don’t blame others!
2. Difficulties come, lose trust in God eg no water Ex17;1-7, Num 20:1-13
Rebellion - Meribah. Testing - Massah
Struck the rock instead of speaking to it.
Anger, violence, going it alone - forgetting we are on a pilgrimage as were the Israelites.

v. 13-14 God offers a life of blessing peace and rest now and in the future
IF we Trust IF we Obey. The great God of Grace and mercy does call us to be responsible as regards the salvation bought at great cost by Jesus. The little word “IF” appears many times in these chapters and for good reason.
IF we hold on to our courage. IF we hold firmly our confidence. IF you hear his voice

v. 16-19 Death came often to the Israelites, to the Jews throughout their history because they failed to see the “ifs”, the “or else” factor.

God has put a limit on this offer of salvation – the time of our lifespan
1. Sudden death, unexpected eg those who died in earthquake, or
2. Slow death, wasted time, God’s most precious gift “the years the locusts have eaten”. Joel 1:4, 2:25

Conclusion…. But let’s end on a brighter note, but not forgetting the seriousness of life and death for us all.
Joel 2:28-32. God does not give up His reaching out to us. Inspite of our hardness, our wasted years in the wilderness of worldly living, there is a message of revival in the air, God, still alive and well and reaching out. …
Eg a day of teaching on revival with Ian Malins on Saturday at the Baptist church. – join us next week!