Pastor Alan Bennett
READ Eph. 5: 15-33
No, I’m not starting a campaign for better husbands and wives and parenting, though that may come in a later message. But looking into some of the foundational reasons for church, this unique body that has continued to grow and expand around the world for 2000 years and no secular power or authority has been able to fully understand it, stop it or destroy it.
Averil and I went to Thailand in 1967 to plant not build churches in the central provinces that were the least evangelized of the land. Yes, churches are planted and subsequently grow primarily as an organism. Churches are not built from a blue-print and then left to be occupied and maintained as an organization, although the Southern Baptists from USA did this for a time in Thailand. In Matt 16 Jesus did say, “I will build my church and the powers of death will not overcome it”. But here the building is not brick and mortar but on the confession of faith by Peter, that Holy Spirit inspired, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God”. This is the same question put by Jesus that we must all answer, “Who do you say I am”? Ultimately then we see that churches are a matter of a relationship, first in coming to know Jesus personally and then that same relationship spreading through our human networks. (illus Anchalee Jongkakeekit, Thai pop singer)
That’s why this passage in Ephesians is so relevant to our understanding of church. It links the “mystery” of a husband and wife relationship and subsequent family relationship, to the God initiated and inspired relationship between Christ and His church and His people, the body of Christ.
So how does a church get started? Like most things in this world it starts with a birth, a birth of at least one, though sometimes twins come along (eg lambing) Through evangelism The Holy Spirit comes upon a life and that life is “born again” (Jn 3). Later, more come to faith in Jesus through the same new-birth experience and so a family is formed. There is no limit to this family size. (illus all 4 of ours born in April 4+4 =8 )
The church then grows through relationships forming within this unit, which we call “the local church”, being the equivalent of a normal natural family, made up of sons and daughters, brothers and sisters living and loving one another under the same roof, each with a sure personal allegiance to the parent, Jesus himself. Ref Acts 8:1, 12:1 , .
In time, when we see this happening in many places over many years, perhaps decades at times, the extended family emerges. Church communities come together because of mutual respect, understanding and a desire to work together; sometimes the start of a denomination. In Thailand many recent new churches have begun through Aunts and Uncles believing.
The Christian Faith should then go on and make a positive impact on it’s neighbourhood and society just as the name of a well respected citizen and extended family can do. Eg who’s who list (ref Southland phone book or Calvin membership! )
From the change the Christian Faith can have on society, the good news will spread and be noticed at national level. (illus the vision of Watoto, at present 1,900 children, goal 10,000 in Uganda, 2 million across Africa. Some doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses and at least one President ! )
(4 years ago the then PM of Thailand said in a speech on national TV, “I wish all Thai people would live like the Christians live in helping one another) Praise God he saw a difference somewhere in his travels and spoke it out as “good news” In this regard I am sure we had a glimpse of the still present Christian ethic at work in Christchurch last week with so many people and groups sacrificially caring for one another, / contrasted with a few who sadly exploited the situation to their own ends.
Let’s look more closely for a moment at what makes a church in our passage in Ephesians 5 …
Christ is the head of this organism, this family, this community this body v23 not the moderator or pastor! Jesus is at the helm
Christ is its saviour. V23 He bought it at the price of His blood, His death. He now lives as an advocate for the church. Do we consult Him regularly?
Christ loves the church v25, and He wants it to be holy and pure, just as wives want their husbands to be and vice versa. Outside influences and unchallenged standards as seen on TV are not for this family the church. The church has a unique right to model true love in this world and protect His assets. How dare we fail our Lord at this point!
Christ wants His church to be radiant and blameless v27, alive with head held high. Sadly this is one area the church is vulnerable to attack, especially by the media frenzy. We have all heard it said, “ Church is boring, it’s dead and/or the church is full of hypocrites and sex offenders. “ Can we still hold our heads up high? I believe at Calvin, by God’s grace , we can and we will. Only in this way can we be different from any service club down the road.
Christ feeds and cares for His church. V29 We are fed by reading our Bibles at home and when meeting as church or in any church ministry. We must be people of the Book. Are we? We are cared for by the Holy Spirit who as promised is in the life of every believer. But do we experience his care, his comfort, his counseling? Do we listen to the Spirit as well as pray our requests?
“The profound mystery” v31-32 Christ has bound himself to the church to the point that we become one with Him, knowing and doing his will. It is all about constant open two way communications (illus. the party game with husbands and wives asked same questions)
More seriously, we all struggle with prayer. The first disciples did and to their credit they admitted as much and asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray” Look at the result of their admission – the Lord’s prayer. It has been a model for the church ever-since, not to be chanted only, but as a form for us to insert our lives, our longings our doubts our anxieties, our praise and worship into. The more we pray, commune with Jesus, the closer we are to “being one” with him and perhaps unraveling this mystery or at least taking the profound out of it.!
Yes, the church is a relationship, an organism pulsating with life and vitality. Calvin has experienced this and will go on doing so, so long as the cycle of birth and rebirth in the Spirit is with us. Let us grow and guard our homes our families, our love for Jesus and His church, maintaining the purity of the Faith for His names sake. Amen.
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