Introduction… News of that powerful hand of the Lord miracle of crossing Jordan has reached right across the land to the far coast. None came out to confront Israel, so for a while the people of God had a time of peace. So it was time to tidy up a few loose ends!
Circumcision… Ancient practice done at puberty or before marriage, possibly done for health reasons. (survey done revealed Jewish women have very low levels of cervical cancer). For Israel it became a follow-up to the contractual relationship (Gen 15) between God and Abraham re: having a son and heir and the promised land. Then in Gen 17 it was renewed as a covenant and promise, a ceremony celebrated on the 8th day after birth. Performed by the head of the house. (exception Ex. 4 24-26 woman in difficult passage)
Why did God choose Circumcision?... especially in the light of it being a heathen practice and what we squeamish modern humans feel is barbaric. This latter point may not be so true here in Southland where we are used to tailing and castration in the farming world. The underlying theme of this morning’s message title of “relationship building” is the key. Let me explain. Every approach God has ever made towards his creation and created is for a closer relationship. Think about that for a moment. And in particular regarding the pinnacle of His creation, toward us humankind, made in the image and after the likeness of God himself. From walking with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening to the glorious promise of His return to take us to be with Him, he has always been reaching out to us. And what about at Bethlehem? Taking it a step further, at the heart of any human relationship is a desire for “intimacy”, most closely found and expressed in marriage. Now, please don’t be embarrassed or throw me out for what I am about to say! But I believe circumcision demonstrates the depth of intimacy God wants to have with His people Israel and His people, us Christians, who bare His Son’s name. For Israel he put a physical mark on the most private, personal and intimate part of a body. The removal of the foreskin of a man goes further than if he is just naked, it touches him in his most sensitive and intimate part of his body – the strongest of feelings in shared intimacy with the one who he loves forever. In the NT Christian marriage is explicitly an earthly picture of the relationship of Christ and his church (Mt 25, Eph 5, Rev 19) Here then is the high standard of commitment and intimacy that God is looking for, that is represented to us in circumcision, for us Christians though it is in the heart; the total uninhibited abandonment of modesty and privacy between bridegroom and bride, between God and His people.
It is the Mosaic law that introduced this new concept of circumcision, “of the heart.” Deut 10:16, Jer. 4:4 Not just a physical mark of belonging – but spiritual qualities of commitment and obedience to God’s will. Lev 11:44, 19:18, Deut 6:5 all speak of the need for holiness, loving a neighbour, and loving God. Does that sound familiar?! Sure it does. Jesus said, “Hear O Israel the Lord our God, the Lord is One” “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” That comes first. From that platform comes the second, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Mk.12 Here at Calvin we are going to have an opportunity to do this very thing this Christmas.
The Passover… Still a very fresh memory as these were the children of those who had lived through the amazing “passing over” of the Holy Spirit of those houses covered by the blood of the lambs slain on that dreadful night when God’s anger burned against Pharaoh and all Egypt and the firstborn of all not under the blood died. Passover is both a solemn time of serious reflection and grateful celebration of a God who keeps His promises and who deals justly with all mankind.
Manna stops… Now here is a nasty sudden turn of events. No sooner had they tasted of the yummy fresh fruit and veg of New World Canaan than the heavenly supply of the past 40 years stopped. Well, the manna got a bit boring anyway, though they must admit it kept them strong and healthy. Now surprise, surprise, there is no record of food allergies setting in with this abrupt change of diet, and no more moaning either! But did this mean they were on their own now. Had God left them alone, had He just dumped them into the Promised Land and left? I’m sure some may have thought that – perhaps Joshua himself was suddenly hit with doubts and fears – after all God had had to prop him up with lots of encouraging, “fear nots” as he took up leadership from Moses. Now here he was looking over Jericho v13, and wondering how on earth he and his 40,000 troops were to tackle those massive walls all alone - by themselves.
The Commander.. Suddenly a high ranking soldier appears out of nowhere with a drawn sword. Not recognizing the uniform perhaps, Joshua challenges, “Are you for us or against us”? to which no straight answer is given, just a title. That title alone is enough to send Joshua into immediate horizontal worship. What’s going on here? Joshua is in charge is he not? Has he lost the plot? Is he scared yet again to show gutsy leadership and just when it is needed most? No, Joshua recognizes in this man and his title someone greater than he. Here is the Lord of Hosts in Person. I like to think that here is another amazing act of grace, grace upon grace. This is no angel; we don’t worship angels or saints for they are man’s servants. God comes down to meet Joshua on the edge of the Promised Land to remind all Israel that God is still with them, no longer as a sugar daddy supplying food for hungry tummies, clouds and fires for guidance, but now in a new role, as the one who will be out front fighting for them in the heavens, for they are now not in the worldly wilderness but have entered all that God has prepared for them as His very own. It will still be a battle, many battles for them as it is for us Christians today. Whoever said the Christian life was easy? Calvin, what do you say? Well I say it is! …but when and only when it starts with our shoes off in humility, in servant-hood, in submission to the leadership, the lordship of Jesus Christ our great Commander in Chief. He has His sword drawn ready. Leave the battles with him in trusting prayer and praise. Joshua was about to face a major test of his faith. Immediately after the rejoicing in victory over Jericho came the devastating sin of Ai which cost the lives of the sinner and his entire innocent family. God hates sin with a capital H. But by His mercy we can have an encounter with the great Commander who Joshua met. We meet Him at the foot of His cross where it is level holy ground. He accepts each one of us because of that scarlet thread, not hung out of a doomed window to save a few, but poured out over a cross from His body to save the world. Turn to Him today just as Joshua did, take off your dirty shoes, and ask Him the same question, “What message does my Lord have for his/her servant?” Will you do this? God bless you.
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